Meet our Global Missionaries

ReachGlobal, Haiti
Jen has been living in Florida and serving remotely as the coordinator for all the GlobalFingerprints (GF) sites in Haiti. GF is a child sponsorship program that provides for the spiritual, nutritional, medical, and educational needs of local children. She also supports a trauma-care ministry, which has proven essential amid increasing gang violence.

Denny & Nicole
ReachGlobal, Germany
Denny and Nicole support the local church in areas of leadership development, events outreach, and church-planting in a post-Christian society. They also seek to embody the gospel by offering hospitality and genuine friendship to the people around them.

Vladimir & Oxana
CRU, Moldova
Vladimir and Oxana live and minister in a Moldavan town near the border of Ukraine. They focus on evangelism and discipleship in this war-torn area. They also shepherd a house church and encourage others to open their homes for worship and study.

Mike & Linda
ReachGlobal, Brazil
Mike and Linda lived and served as church planters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for 20 years. Mike now works with the Global Equipping team and developed a training course for under-resourced pastors who live all over the world. Linda serves on the member care team, walking alongside EFCA missionaries as they endure hardships and navigate transitions.

Cory & Brooke
Converge Worldwide, Thailand
Cory and Brooke serve with Thai church leaders and are involved in outreach, children’s ministry, and church planting in a Buddhist context. This partnership helps them dig deeper into language study and enhances their knowledge of culturally-effective ministry practices.

Anonymous Workers
ReachGlobal MENA, North Africa
These new workers dream of seeing a church established where the gospel isn’t known. Currently, they are learning French and Arabic as they prepare for a church-planting ministry in an unreached North African country.

Craig & Kathy
Global Training Network (GTN), Portugal
Craig and Kathy are church planters in Portugal. They also regularly travel to East Asia, Bangladesh, and Uganda to train believers how to share the gospel through Bible Storytelling and how to become future local church leaders who multiply that same training.

Steve & Liz
ReachGlobal, Southern Brazil & Haiti
Steve and Liz served as missionaries in Rio de Janeiro for over 20 years, helping plant churches and working with youth and church leaders. They are now part of the “Southern Brasil” team, working to plant churches and develop young leaders in the city of Porto Alegre. He is also a key field leader who shepherds new leaders in both Brazil and Haiti.

Anonymous Workers
Global Teams, Southeast Asia
In collaboration with national believers from a Muslim background, these workers recently completed the translation of the New Testament into the national language of a large unreached country in Asia. They are now working on the Torah, focusing on drafts of Genesis and Exodus.

Anonymous Workers
TEAM, Middle East
These workers are active in personal evangelism and discipleship of new Middle Eastern believers. They also lead a team of expatriate workers who are all committed to helping reach people who have the least access to the Good News.

David and Liza
Global Freedom (EFCA), Rwanda
David oversees anti-trafficking support centers in three different countries. The centers partner with local churches to train counselors, raise awareness, and provide physical, mental, and spiritual support to the victims.